Research & Policies

So many ancestors, so little time.

For me, genealogy research and family history are always in season. I consider each blog post, story or research nugget as “correct” when first shared. Because new sources and evidence may enhance or refute my findings, I reserve the right to change my mind. That’s okay with me.

No one lives a perfect life, not now, and not in the past. Some of my family history stories center around difficult topics, long-held secrets and (dare I say) scandals. A few of my ancestors made decisions that I would not repeat. A few of my ancestors were punished for their deeds. A few of my ancestors are still unknown to me. My intent is not to cast judgement, but to lay out facts as I have discovered them. Neither will I shy away from difficult conversations about lineage.


Is it important family information, or is it gossip?

Let’s have open discussions.
Let’s be kind.
Use the contact form and I’ll respond as soon as I am able.


Where are my family trees posted?

Most of my recent, online tree info is on FamilySearch. To use FamilySearch, you set up a free (yes, free) account. Click on Search>Family Tree, then type in the deceased person’s name.

Why FamilySearch? Because of the collaboration between researchers. Because there should only be one of each person, connected to their parents, connected to their grandparents. Because all family data should have sources attached. Oh yeah, and because not everybody wants to afford a subscription.

Karrie researching at the community college


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