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Gentzkow Journey

Gentzkow Journey

Every journey needs a first step. In family history, start by talking to all living ancestors and writing down what they say. Travel back in time through their old photos and listen to the stories that spill out. Tour cemeteries and former neighborhoods where memories … read more

Lydick Homestead: Less Than 2 Acres

Lydick Homestead: Less Than 2 Acres

Horace S. “H.S.” Lydick (1880-1956) claimed a homestead in 1911, commuted it and lost it in a Sheriff Sale. Finding an opportunity, he filed a second homestead claim for land in Beltrami County, Minnesota under the provisions of the 1862 Homestead Act. The Act granted … read more

Lydick Homestead Lost

Lydick Homestead Lost

Horace S. “H.S.” Lydick, his wife Susan (Roy) and their growing family settled on 159 acres in Beltrami County in May of 1911. At the Cass Lake Land Office, he filed a communtation claim to obtain the title to the property in 1913. Commuting a … read more

Lydick Homestead Commutation

Lydick Homestead Commutation

Horace Sawyer “H.S.” Lydick (1880-1956) lived a colorful life. Volumes could (and should) be written about his legendary, north-woods-lifestyle. For now, those stories need to wait. In this initial Lydick homestead post, we will look at how H.S. acquired his first property in Minnesota: 159 … read more

Garnett Oklahoma Homestead

Garnett Oklahoma Homestead

James E. “J.E.” Garnett hailed from an old, established Kentucky family. Yet, he wanted his own property. The Adair County (KY) News, his hometown newspaper, printed this little tidbit on August 13, 1902:   However, J. E. Garnett knew exactly where he was going. Because … read more

Rector Sod House Readout OK

Rector Sod House Readout OK

Milton A. Rector (1855-1951) and his wife Charlotte “Lottie” Ann Senate (1861-1952) homesteaded in Readout, Harper County, OK. See the Land Entry Case File post here for details found in the paperwork. Under the provisions of the 1862 Homestead Act, Milton acquired 160 acres as the … read more

Rector Oklahoma Territory Homestead

Rector Oklahoma Territory Homestead

Milton A. Rector (1855-1951) pursued greater opportunity in the American West. October 19, 1901 he filed a homestead claim for land in Oklahoma Territory (O.T.) under the provisions of the 1862 Homestead Act. The Act granted surveyed public land to adult heads of families for … read more

Hesse Dakota Homestead

Hesse Dakota Homestead

Franklin Hesse (1861-1935) lost his parents at an early age. Seeking opportunity, he filed a homestead claim for land in Dakota Territory (D.T.) under the provisions of the 1862 Homestead Act. The Act granted surveyed public land to adult heads of families for a minimal … read more

Dittrich Minnesota Homestead

Dittrich Minnesota Homestead

In 1857, August Dittrich, his wife Anna and their three children left Schlesien [Silesia or Śląsk]. First they traveled to the port city of Bremen. Then they boarded the Republik and sailed to America. Arriving at Kesselgarten [Castle Garden] New York on April 21, 1857, … read more

Christmas at the Archives

Christmas at the Archives

About three years ago, I learned about the genealogical value of Homestead Land Entry Case Files. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) houses these original documents. Five of my direct ancestors successfully filed six land claims with the U.S. Government. The completed applications are … read more