John Pile to Missouri

John Pile married Patsey Allen in Botetourt County, Virginia June 29, 1809.1Botetourt County Virginia Marriage Register, Part 1, page 554. Marriage of John Pile and Patsey Allen. They were the parents of several children, including Oscar Pile. All of their known children were born in Adair County, Kentucky.

After Patsey died, John married Matilda Miller, his wife’s niece.2Some researchers give a marriage date of  May 7, 1830. As of July 2023, I have not found a source for this marriage. Matilda’s mother was Betsey [Allen] Miller, the sister of Patsey Allen.



Kentucky to Missouri

John sold his Adair County property to his eldest son, William A. Pile, in 1842.3Adair County KY Deed Book L, page 220.

From John Pile and Matilda his wife, to Wm. A. Pile for $1000, land near Columbia: 3 acres 10 poles on N. W. corner of Jos. Eubanks land about 10 ft. from corner of the shop to the tanyard [sic], including the present dwelling place of the said Pile, the tanyard [sic] and shop, also land from Jos. Nelson to Robt. Anderson and from the said Anderson to the said Pile.


John Pile moved from Adair County, Kentucky to Carroll County, Missouri by 1843.4Carroll County MO Deed Book D, page 116-117. Joab and Margaret Hunter to John Pile. Transcription by Karrie Blees, July 26, 2023. Spelling, punctuation as in original. Paragraph breaks and bullet points inserted for ease of reading. Researchers note that other transcriptions of this deed transaction do not include all the acreage.

This Indenture made and entered into this fourth day of November AD one thousand eight hundred and forty three by and between Joab Hunter and Margaret his wife of the county of Carroll and State of Missouri of the one part and John Pile of the county and state of aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said Joab Hunter and Margaret his wife for an in consideration of the Sum of One thousand and twenty dollars to them in hand well and truly paid the receipt whereof is herein acknowledged have granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and by these present do grant bargain convey and confirm unto the said John Pile his heirs and assigns the following described tracts or parcils [sic] of land to wit:

  • east half of the east half of the NE quarter of Section 29, Township 53, Range 24 (40 acres);
  • NW quarter of the NW quarter of Section 28, Township 53, Range 24 (40 acres);
  • NW quarter of the SW quarter of Section 28, Township 53, Range 24 (40 acres);
  • SW quarter of the NW quarter of Section 28, Township 53, Range 24 (40 acres) and
  • ten acres off the W side of the NE quarter of the SW quarter of Section 28, Township 53, Range 24 (10 acres).



Death of John Pile

Just 4 years after purchasing the acreage in Carroll County, Missouri, John Pile died.

Carroll County MO Probate - John Pile

John Pile died without a will before October 6, 1847. The first page of his probate file5Missouri Probate Court, Carroll County. “Missouri Probate Records, 1750-1998”; Carroll Co MO Probate Case File for John Piles [sic], FHL film 2155980, beginning at image 384. contains the Letters of Administration for George Carico. George was married to Melinda Allen; Melinda was a niece of John’s first wife Patsey, as well as a cousin of John’s second wife Matilda. Providing surety were Edmund Thomas and Tilford Busby. All of these men had lived previously in Adair County, Kentucky.

John Pile’s children (by both of his wives) are listed from oldest to youngest:

  • William Pile
  • Milton Pile
  • Oliver Pile
  • Oscar Pile
  • Claton [sic] Pile
  • Joseph Pile
  • John A. Pile
  • Seldon Pile
  • James M. Pile

The youngest child, Henry W. Pile, is not listed on the face page, but is mentioned in several guardianship receipts within the probate file. Thomas Pile was listed among the minor heirs of Patsey [Allen] and John Pile in an 1833 deed.6Adair Co KY Order Book F, page 28. However, he is not named with the other heirs in this document; perhaps he preceded his father in death.


How did John Die?

Next week we’ll investigate the circumstances of John’s death.



  • 1
    Botetourt County Virginia Marriage Register, Part 1, page 554. Marriage of John Pile and Patsey Allen.
  • 2
    Some researchers give a marriage date of  May 7, 1830. As of July 2023, I have not found a source for this marriage.
  • 3
    Adair County KY Deed Book L, page 220.
  • 4
    Carroll County MO Deed Book D, page 116-117. Joab and Margaret Hunter to John Pile. Transcription by Karrie Blees, July 26, 2023. Spelling, punctuation as in original. Paragraph breaks and bullet points inserted for ease of reading. Researchers note that other transcriptions of this deed transaction do not include all the acreage.
  • 5
    Missouri Probate Court, Carroll County. “Missouri Probate Records, 1750-1998”; Carroll Co MO Probate Case File for John Piles [sic], FHL film 2155980, beginning at image 384.
  • 6
    Adair Co KY Order Book F, page 28.

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