Edward Gentkow’s Real Birthday

Edward Gentkow’s Real Birthday

Edward Gentzkow was born in Minneiska, Wabasha County, Minnesota on January 15th to Julius Gentzkow and Matilda Dittrich. But in which year? Records of his birth list both 1881 and 1882. Which is it?   Wabasha County The first record of Edward’s birth is the … read more

Gentzkow: Julius Conrad

Gentzkow: Julius Conrad

In American Gentzkow family history, I consider myself part of the “Julius Group.” I am descended from the second son of Julius August Emil “George Edward” von Gentzkow (1826-1904) and his wife Sophia Schultz (1830-1897). The three Gentzkow Groups are: The George Group: descendants of … read more

Dittrich Minnesota Homestead

Dittrich Minnesota Homestead

In 1857, August Dittrich, his wife Anna and their three children left Schlesien [Silesia or Śląsk]. First they traveled to the port city of Bremen. Then they boarded the Republik and sailed to America. Arriving at Kesselgarten [Castle Garden] New York on April 21, 1857, … read more

Christmas at the Archives

Christmas at the Archives

About three years ago, I learned about the genealogical value of Homestead Land Entry Case Files. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) houses these original documents. Five of my direct ancestors successfully filed six land claims with the U.S. Government. The completed applications are … read more