Aunt Kathryn, the Poet
Today, let’s remember and celebrate Kathryn “Kathy” Gentzkow Studer (1931-2021), daughter of Gert Rector and Frank Gentzkow. Happy birthday in heaven, dear Auntie!
Kathy Studer, May 2008, Rector cousin meet-up in Minnesota
During her lifetime she sent many, many birthday cards to family and friends. If you had been particularly good, she sent McDonalds’ Dollars, too. Aunt Kathy was a messenger of hope and happiness. She had a marvelous sense of humor and an infectious laugh.
Aunt Kathy also wrote poems.
My collection of Aunt Kathy’s poems started in June of 2000. During a Gentzkow family reunion, she read these two poems
Gentzkow Cousins
We’ll honor
Our Dads today
Even if mine
Has ‘gone’ away.
I miss him a lot
You could say.
You all have
Come so very far
By plane, bus
Or maybe a car.
We, Gentzkows
Of Minnesota state,
Welcome you all
Have fun
Eat lots of cake.
So – Goodbye
Come again
Loved having you.
Cousin Kathryn.
You Betcha
Gentzkow 2000
We’re proud
To be Germans
Living in the
No windchills
No snow mounds
Welcome to Minnesota
At its best!
Land of the Twins,
Vikings, Timberwolves,
Mall of America and
Ten thousand lakes,
Norwegians, casinos,
Wild rice, honey, and
Pillsbury cakes!
Kiss your cousins
Hug their wives.
Be sure to give
Karrie B a high five.
I’m Frank and
Gert’s kid –
Kathryn – one
Of the five.
Go home with
God’s blessings.
Meet you somewhere
In 2005.
Kathryn Studer reading a poem, June 20001Photo of Kathryn Studer Reading a Poem at the Gentzkow 2000 Reunion in Lake Elmo, MN. Given to Karrie Blees.
More Poems
Do you have more of Kathryn’s poems?
Would you be willing to share them?
- 1Photo of Kathryn Studer Reading a Poem at the Gentzkow 2000 Reunion in Lake Elmo, MN. Given to Karrie Blees.