Christmas 1906 – Readout, OK

Merry Christmas!

As an adult, what type of Christmas gifts do you fancy?

Do you prefer an experiential gift? Perhaps an outing to a festively decorated historic home or a night out at at new restaurant.

Do you enjoy serving others?  My neighborhood has a Christmas Giving Tree for us to give gifts and sponsor local families in crisis.

Do you like to stay home with a jigsaw puzzle? This is one of my husband’s favorite ways to spend Christmas vacation days. Today, I present to you a different type of puzzle.


Christmas Picture Puzzle

Christmas Day 1906 in Readout OK


Several years ago, my cousin-collaborator, Cindy Rector Glade, sent me a copy of this photograph. She obtained the copy from the family of John Rector (1884-1974).  Unfortunately, the photo is not labeled (other than the white paper square with the date and location covering someone’s face).


What can we determine?

Maureen Taylor calls herself The Photo Detective. Using what I learned in her book, “Uncovering Your Ancestry through Family Photographs,” we will try to identify the people and discover details in this photo.


The Date

The small white square of paper reads: Xmas Day 1906, Readout Okla. If we can believe that note, the group was photographed on Tuesday, December 25, 1906. A closer look at the style of dress for these young ladies may/may not confirm the 1906 date.


The Time

The shadow cast by one young man is particularly evident on the left side of the photo. The group was looking into either the late morning or late afternoon sun.


The Location

Readout, Okla. was a townsite in Harper County, Oklahoma. While the town had a post office (1902-1913), the residents identified themselves as being from Readout. The date on this photograph is within the timeframe that the Readout Post Office operated.


The Architecture

The group is assembled outside. Behind them is an open door of a building and a glass-paned window. If we had other photos of Readout buildings, we could compare the siding, the door location and the paint pattern to determine exactly where they stood.


The Identities

Maureen Taylor states, “Probably the most difficult technique involved in photo identification is is identifying and grouping people by facial characteristics.”1Taylor, Maureen A. Uncovering Your Ancestry Through Family Photographs, 2nd ed. (Family Tree Books, Cincinnati OH: 2005) page 74.

First, we assume that John Rector (son of Milton and Lottie Rector) is in the photo. This assumption is based on the fact that a descendant of John Rector owned the photo.

A quick overview of the people provides these details (left to right):

  1. male, flat-brimmed hat, dark tie, dark hair with center part, shorter
  2. male, cap, turtle neck, lapel pin, resembles male #3, possibly John or Gillison Rector
  3. male, dark tie, open crown crease hat, resembles male #2, possibly John or Gillison Rector
  4. female, white scarf with both fringe ends in front, possibly May “Pettris” Garnett (neighbor of the Rectors)
  5. presumed male (white square of paper is covering his face)
  6. female, white scarf, belt
  7. male, patterned tie, cap
  8. female, scarf with stripes, resembles Mabel Rector
  9. male, dark shirt, light-colored tie, dark hair, tall

Why do I believe that two of the males could be Rector brothers?
Why do I believe that female #4 could be Pettris Garnett and that female #8 is the eldest Rector sister?


Easter, 1905

Easter 1905 near Readout OK

Ferris Garnett, Minnie Weir, Ellen Cook, Mable Rector, Pettris Garnett, Nettie Weir, LuLu Rector
John Rector, Ed Murphy, Gillison Rector, Jim Allen

Twenty-five years ago, my great aunt, Virginia Rector Cunningham, gave me a copy of this 1905 Easter photo. AND she had the people labeled!!!

There is definitely a strong resemblance of the Rector siblings between the 1905 and the 1906 photos. Making allowances for hairstyle and clothing, Pettris Garnett looks like the same young woman in each photo.


Conclusions and Questions

Mabel Rector (1881-1928), who married Floyd Gann in 1909, is female #8 in the Christmas photo.
John Rector (1884-1974), who married Laura Pound in 1918, is male #2 or male #3 in the Christmas photo.
Gillison Rector (1887-1972), who married Pettris Garnett in 1908, is male #2 or male #3 in the Christmas photo.
Pettris Garnett (1890-1952), daughter of J.E. and Dollie Garnett, is female #4 in the Christmas photo.

In the Christmas photograph, which is John and which is Gillison? I suspect that Gillison is male #3 because Pettris positioned herself behind him.
How can we identify more people in the Christmas photo?
Do you have more photos of the Rectors or the Garnetts as young people?
Do you have photos of buildings in Readout?



  • 1
    Taylor, Maureen A. Uncovering Your Ancestry Through Family Photographs, 2nd ed. (Family Tree Books, Cincinnati OH: 2005) page 74.

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